Shit I'm trying to create work/life separation doing WFH for my fulltime job

1) Morning Routine: Get up, Get changed, Comb my hair, Put on Earrings (weirdly important?), try to eat, meds
1a) I grab the lanyard w/ my work badge on it right before 'heading in' and put it on
2) Way-too structured/timeblocked work hours bc I can't trust myself to know what I'm doing and if I don't have a light guideline to look at when flailing, then I'll end up on youtube for 3 hours. Not too over-detailed, and flexible. Ex: Day Prep/Low Effort Work/High Focus/etc
3) Scheduled breaks. I force myself to take the entirety of my break *if it's feasible*. Need to get away from the computer, need to eat, need to stretch (!!!) and maybe stick my head out the door and breathe air. Do short exercise (usually lol)--take my lanyard off for this.
4) If I can, I at least stand outside my door, which leads outside, at least once a day. Walking is better but... I have bad knees and I'm asthmatic :P Otherwise I try and open a window and sit next to it and rest my eyes by staring into the distance........
5) Set an alarm for 15 minutes before stopping time. This way I know to start wrapping up so that I'm not floundering to stop when the work day is done. Either try to get to an ok stopping point, or I note what i'm in the middle of doing, then just tidy up loose ends.
6) End of Day Routine. Keep Hours as stringently as I can. If it's 6:00, then the work day is done, stop working. Get up, get a drink, take off my lanyard, and start playing animal crossing lol.

Also I made a separate account on my computer for work, so I log out from that.
I also try to draw a little immediately after work? Like, sometimes I don't feel like it, but I open my sketchbook/sketchdoc just for the sake of routine and to mark the end of the day, and sometimes I just do a thirty second, ugly scribble in it and stand up and go.
Really hoping these work...they seem to work alright so far, but i haven't been doing it that long. I was so off the bandwagon for weeks after this started haha... Last week got really off the rails in terms of being productive for a number of reasons. Kinna tired of this.
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