This is opportunistic bullshit. Bernie isn't trashing his supporters and Bernie has devoted a lifetime to the cause. There's a lot those of us with many years ahead can learn from his unwavering commitment over decades when socialism seemed like a lost cause.
I can already see a looming split in the pro-Bernie left between a faction that is fully nihilistic about electoral politics and a faction that wants to figure out how to build on this movement and win power electorally in the future. Suffice to say I will be in the latter camp.
It's really worth reviewing some of the tweets of Bernie staffers today, because you'll come away with the same impression I've come away with from reporting on him: Bernie is way better than this garbage, and he's also way better than his establishment and media critics.
Anyway, when Krystal Ball was doing a shitty MSNBC show with Toure and Abby Huntsman and SE Cupp, Bernie was exactly the same person he is today, and exactly the same person he was in 1968. We should all aspire to such consistency and integrity.
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