Rupert Giles, part 1: original recipe.

-would suck any dick for a rare book
-upholds a patriarchal power structure until he learns better
-the best thing about him is his ability to contain everything else in this thread
Rupert Giles, part 2: Ripper

-reckless and ready to fight anyone
-fake working class accent
-canonically has tons of sexual stamina
-small issue of soul being promised to a demon
Rupert Giles, part 3: rockstar

-any excuse to wear an earring
-quote from @kelpeigh : ā€œDid he keep his musical skills secret so he could have this one thing for himself away from his kid friends, or because he knew it would end us?ā€
Rupert Giles, part 4: costumes

-eager, Iā€™ll give him that
-I canā€™t say much good about the cultural appropriation but at least you can mug him for his candy
-Buffy should have embraced the wizard robe look
Rupert Giles, part 5: dominant

-I got slightly distracted while looking for these shots and weā€™ll say no more of that
Rupert Giles, part 6: under the influence

-can be a fun guy but not great in a crisis
-rarely ends well
-laughs at dick jokes
Rupert Giles, part 7: mentor

-I canā€™t even make fun quips here, heā€™s just so fucking good
Rupert Giles, part 8: Wishverse.

-trying his best
-I could make several tweets about this episode alone because it is Giles at possibly his most tragic but definitely his hottest
-even thinking about the line ā€œBecause it has to be.ā€ is enough to move me to tears
Rupert Giles, part 9: getting some action

-Iā€™ll do more tomorrow but this felt like a good note to go to bed on
-good for him
Rupert Giles, part 10: prom chaperone

-showed up to ā€œguard against hellhoundsā€ but really only here for two reasons: to eat the finger foods and to dunk on Wesley
Rupert Giles, part 11: concussed

-has a tendency to get knocked on the head
-considers, as I do, that being conscious is an achievement worth celebrating
-leave him alone šŸ˜­
Rupert Giles, part 12: artist

-I would kill someone to see the rest of Gilesā€™ sketchbook
-I would kill ANOTHER someone to see him drawing the projector slides from Hush
-the less we talk about his attempts at communication with Chao-Ahn, the better
Rupert Giles, part 13: weapons & tools

-this is where his Gryffindor streak shines a bit but you canā€™t say heā€™s not a problem solver
Rupert Giles, part 14: masterful eye rolls
-kinda hard to capture in still images but I did my best
-heā€™s perpetually and fundamentally done with the Youths
Rupert Giles, part 15: fyarl demon

-has a little tail, it hurts when he sits
-really drove up his insurance rates
-indulges in his desires more than usual
Rupert Giles, part 16: murderer.

-after spending the whole series taking his glasses off to avoid seeing what everyone is doing HE PUTS ON HIS GLASSES BEFORE HE DOES IT
-one of the most significant moments for his character, it says so much about his ā€œgreater goodā€ morality
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