The point of my piece was to plead with her not to destroy her child. I never found out what happened with her. I assume she went through with it. As for my article, it got only a few views and then faded into oblivion.
Fast forward to last night. I get a message from a woman, a different woman, who told me that she read my article when I posted it five years ago. She read it on the same night that she had already taken an abortion pill.
As she’s reading, she’s feeling understandably distraught and mournful and a million other things I can’t fathom. But she had the guts to actually read everything I had to say, despite believing that the decision she’d already made was final.
But then she sees an ad pop up for abortion pill reversal. Long story short, her daughter turned 5 this year. She now has a beautiful family. She chose life and does not regret it, to put it mildly.
What amazing courage. The role I played was very small but I’m grateful to know that at least one thing I’ve published in my years of doing this made a difference for at least one family. Most of all I’m grateful that one child was spared the fate 60 million others have suffered.
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