I’ve come off the faculty job search and am massively excited that I get to join the incredible group @UUNeurobiology @UUtah and launch my lab in January 2021!!! Short thread about my future lab’s research focus, musings on the job search, and much gratitude
My lab will explore the genomic underpinnings of neural circuit plasticity, working to uncover the role that transcription factors (TFs) play in tailoring gene regulation and phenotypic changes to the broad diversity of stimuli experienced by neurons within their local circuit
My research program will seek to understand how myriad TFs support cellular diversity in neural circuits across brain regions through development and into adulthood, and ultimately unravel how cell subtype-specific expression of TFs can support learning-related behaviors
I aim to bring together a group that answers these questions by bridging neural circuit electrophysiology with cellular/molecular biology, biochemistry, and genomics. If anyone reading this thread is interested in these ideas and possibly joining, please reach out to me
The lab will be built upon an equitable, inclusive, and collaborative environment designed to support the success of trainees from diverse backgrounds. I’ve learned much about great mentorship through my own training, and my goal is to support and inspire my own group
My job search started with a hurry (3 weeks between finishing my paper’s final edits and starting from scratch), and I never truly felt I had a strong grasp on the process. I leaned heavily on mentors and friends for guidance and advice. I obviously didn’t get here alone
My Ph.D. mentor @ShernazBamji: Molded me into the scientist I am today, and I hope to accomplish a fraction of what she has. All the gratitude and respect. I’m fortunate to have had someone like her in my corner during this process and going forward
My postdoc mentor @brendabl00dg00d: supported me in pursuing what seemed like a crazy hypothesis in the beginning, and hung in there with me when I wanted to do more experiments instead of hitting the submit button. I’m sure that I have been her most annoying postdoc 😂
My wife Andrea @BrainHartz: Everything. The job search was hyper intense, scary, and stressful. I often did not deal with that stress well, and she did the extra work of lifting me up through it all. I’m thrilled I get to start this new adventure with her (heart emoji)
The colleagues and friends who put in the time to read my research statement drafts, attend my practice chalk talks, and rake me over the coals when I needed it. I’m immensely grateful @LippiLab @chromism @GulcinPekkurnaz @Takaki_Komiyama and many others
Despite the stress, I was fortunate to have the undivided attention of inspiring and brilliant faculty, staff, and trainees while on interviews. Those meetings were the highlights of the job search. I would be lucky to join any of those departments. Thank you 🙏
There is a deep pool of talented and productive postdocs and grad students out there. I want so badly to see their careers advance and have them as colleagues. We don’t need hiring freezes, we need new ideas and fresh perspectives. We need to support young scientists.
You can follow @StefanoBrigidi.
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