One day people will be immortalized through CGI and computer data. Actors, Politicians, and your average every day person will be stored in a system that holds many of their thoughts and expressions, able to interact with the audience.

We'll see how well this ages.
For example, in Man of Steel Clark meets Jor EL(his father) even though he's long been dead. The Kryptonians were an advanced race, able to store peoples consciousness in data/holograms.
We're slowly starting to see mobile programs that are able to capture facial recognition, change your gender, age, etc. Which is basically beta testing for advanced tech. If you actually pay attention, these companies are selling our data to other tech companies.
Wanna jump down the rabbit hole even further? Check out this thread that basically proves that Tom Hanks wasn't on SNL recently. That his voice/CGI image was used on an SNL actor to play as him and it fulled most of us.
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