If you come from a broke family its highly likely that you’ll be broke as an adult. And its not because ppl are incapable, it’s due to the financial trauma and programs ingrained in ppl about money since birth. Financial trauma is real and it’s a topic that’s not discussed enough
In order to reverse the cycle you first have to fix your mind and way of thinking when it comes to money. You’ll never be able to hold onto money if you think its evil, only purpose is to consume, etc.
It’s a reason why when ppl from wealthy backgrounds go broke they make it back while a poor person can become rich then end up poor again in a short time period. Both scenarios are because of how both parties were programmed to see and think about money
The reality is that most of us whether we realize it or not was programmed to lose from birth & its not completely all our parents fault cus they were programmed the same way. But thats not the problem, the problem is when you dont recognize that. If you realize it you can fix it
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