I mentioned a while ago that I would talk sometime about #Pathfinder2E for folks not familiar with it, or who know about 1E but not much about 2E. I’m going to take a moment to do that now under the #P2101 hashtag. Reply with questions, and I’ll try to answer FAQs *tomorrow*.
My main goal here is just to give an idea of how it’s different from 1E, how it compares to other RPGs, and some of the fun rules you’ll find in it. I’ll let other folks speak to the setting and a such. Just too much for me to go into here! #P2101
1. The Very, Very Basic Basics
Pathfinder is a fantasy roleplaying game using polyhedral dice, with one Game Master and multiple other players with individual characters. They go on fantasy adventures, meet NPCs, earn XP and treasure, level up, all that stuff. #P2101
2. Is it 3.5?
The 1st edition of Pathfinder was based heavily on the 3.5 D&D rules, using the Open Gaming License. It grew from there, but relied on those rules. This version is still an OGL game, but the rules have been rebuilt from the ground up. (cont.) #P2101
2 (cont.) You still have Strength, Dexterity, etc. You still roll a d20. You still have spell slots. But the math’s redone from scratch for simplicity, consistency, and longevity. So it doesn’t really play that much like 3.5. #P2101
3. Isn’t Pathfinder Complicated?
Pathfinder can be intimidating. Pathfinder 2E is meant to be easier to play, but retain a lot of rules options. Both games have you making a lot of choices. The shift from 1E to 2E was to make each choice *matter* more. Flexibility is key. #P2101
4. Example?
One of the best things about 2E is the action economy in combat. Instead of having a standard action, move action, etc. or one action plus some stuff that isn’t called actions, you have three actions on your turn to use as you want. (cont.) #P2101
4 (cont.) Move three times. Attack three times. Pull out a potion, drink it, then make an attack. Some abilities cost multiple actions. The fighter can get Sudden Charge, which takes 2 actions but lets you move twice, then attack. Spells usually take 22 actions… (cont.) #P2101
4 (cont.) Uh… 2 actions, that is. But some spells take 1 action, big battlefield-changing spells like walls might take 3, and some have a variable number. Need to heal with a touch? 1 action. Heal someone a ways away for more? 2. Heal everybody a little bit? 3. #P2101
5. What’s in it for GMs?
2E swaps a lot of things that were hard-coded rules to be up to the GM, allowing for your individual style and requiring less you *need* to know to run. It also explains the *why* of rules, not just the *how*, so you can make informed decisions. #P2101
6. What about Character Optimization?
Building the most efficient character you can in 1E was kind of a game of its own. One part of this is how the math worked. You needed multiple items to keep your AC up, for saves, and so on to keep up with monsters. (cont.) #P2101
6 (cont.) We still wanted some items to matter, but now it’s a handful, and they’re pretty obvious rather than something you needed to figure out as you played. There was also a tendency for power combos which you’d set up. Each turn, run your routine and destroy stuff. #P2101
6 (cont.) So the new system strives to put more of the combo making into the decisions you make on your turn, rather than building such high stats you win in any situation. And to make teamwork more of a factor. Fewer characters who can do everything on their own. #P2101
7. Miscellany
I’m gonna get back to work on other stuff in a second, so here are a few other fun things.
a. Runes you can transfer between items via crafting.
b. Downtime activities to take on between adventures.
c. Alchemy as a core part of the game.
7 (cont.)
d. Easy guidelines for assigning XP for roleplaying, discovery, and other non-combat means.
e. Always 1,000 XP to level up!
f. Ritual magic in the core.
g. Make your character via A, B, C: Choose ancestry, background, and class. These build your ability scores!
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