There is a big difference between when a lady likes you and when she is attracted to you. Sometime ago, a friend of mine asked me: how do you even do this?”
“Do what?” I replied. “You keep shaking girls’ tables both offline and online.
But instead of them to avoid you, they keep hovering around you.” He said. “And most of them have read some of your articles which you were not nice at all with them. So how do you even do it?”
I let out a loud laugh when he finished.
Anyway, it is not the first time guys have asked me a similar thing. They’re usually curious to know how I still get gorgeous girls to be mine when I keep on telling girls the bitter truth whether online or offline. So I gave my friend a similar answer I’ve been giving other guys
I said to him:
My Gee, it is simply because I understand how attraction works. I know what to do or/and say to get a lady attracted to me. Yes, I know most of my posts piss off girls most times; so they might not LIKE me like that their male bestie or comedian friend.
However, I do know deep down, they desire a man like me and they would likely respond positively to me whenever I come calling. Now, to the main point of the post brother.
See, you’ve to understand that “Liking” and “Attraction” are entirely two different things.
This is the reason a woman might really like a guy but still friend-zone him (if she’s not attracted to him).
But the same lady might be bitter towards her ex—she usually doesn’t speak highly of him, but still goes ahead to have sex with him when the opportunity presents itself. Why? Because she was still ‘attracted’ to the ex.
Truth is, Attraction is way stronger than Liking.
Why is this so? Well, attraction is just a means to an end. And that ‘end’ is reproduction. Attraction is one of the ways Nature makes reproduction easy. Since sex is the major way humans can reproduce,
hence when you feel attraction for someone, it’s natural you’ll desire to have sex with the person. Therefore, you only feel attraction/romantic feelings for women your male instinct has approved to be a worthy mate to have sex with.
Same with women; a woman can’t develop attraction/feelings for a man she can’t imagine having sex with. Now, sex is a very strong human emotion—even stronger than the ‘love’ emotion.
So it is this sex emotion which comes with attraction, which makes
it (attraction) a very strong force.
But liking someone doesn’t mean you want to have sex with him/her. No!
For instance, some girls really like Bobrisky or Denrele, but that doesn’t mean they are attracted to them or would want to have sex with them.
You might like that not-so-fine girl because she’s respectful and hardworking, but that doesn’t mean you are attracted to her or would want to have sex with her. In simpler words, attraction is way stronger than liking because attraction is associated
with sex emotion which is very strong, while liking does not. What Does This Mean For You?
This means that a girl liking you means NOTHING. What you should be concerned is a girl being attracted to you. However, a lot of guys do the exact
opposite. They focus on getting a girl to like them instead of getting her attracted. And this is the reason when one of these guys meet a lady he’s attracted to and would like to get, you see him:
•Chatting & calling the girl every day, trying to act like a very nice friend to her.

• He offers to do unsolicited favors for the girl.

•Buying gifts and food.

•Never disagreeing or saying no to any of her requests.
And he does all this so that the girl will like him enough to accept to be his girlfriend. But does that happen? Nah 85% of the time the guy ends up in the friendzone where the girl sees him and likes him just as a friend or worse as a maga where she’ll be exploiting & using him.
While the guy is there hoping that one day, she’ll see that he’s the best man for her. Let me tell you one secret most guys don’t know.
It’s easier for you to get a girl to like you when she’s already attracted to you.
While it’s harder to get a girl attracted to you when she already likes you as a friend. An attractive man knows this, that’s why whenever he meets a girl he fancies, his sole focus will be to get her attracted to him—NOT for her to like him.
But that is not the case for nice and average guys. Their focus is to get the girl to like them, you know, see them as this harmless nice likable polite friend. And that’s why you see them acting all wussy around women they like. See brother, don’t be like nice or regular guys.
Be like an attractive man.

Always, @Sarkinjos
Credit @geralddike.
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