The one and only Jim Hansen, the NASA climate scientist who has beat the drum on climate change since his famous 1988 briefing to Congress on global warming that was a key turning point in public awareness of climate change, is on twitter. This is his first tweet.
Jim's book, "Storms of my Grandchildren," describes in vivid and unmistakable terms the risks climate change poses for all of us and why we need to fix it as soon as humanly possible.
He's raised awareness of the dangers of tipping points, irreversible changes in the climate system that could occur as we push it faster + further than ever before, to the point where the first two q's in the webinar I gave today on water were about this!
And for many years he led the NASA GISS effort to monitor and track global temperature, which continues today, providing maps and datasets for download free of charge so everyone can see for themselves just how drastically the earth is warming: 
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