I have read every single one of the World Health Organizations situation reports since from the first one in January. Balanced on a diplomatic knife edge, the WHO informed, alerted, and guided necessary international steps dynamically across time. (1/N)
Whether or not nations responded to that (and additional guidance) was in the hands of their leaders.
The executive branch of the United States failed at developing tests, the United States failed at screening for community spread, the executive branch of the United States failed at surveillance, communication, mitigation, stockpiling, and staffing. (3/N)
TENS of THOUSANDS of people in the United States are dying because we elected a president not merely unequal to the demands of the day, but so astonishingly incompetent that the long overdue reckoning of the United States of America is at hand. (4/N)
Nothing, no political sleight of hand, no red-faced press briefing tantrums, NOTHING will obscure the putrescence of this president and his supporters. (5/N)
We will never forget.
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