jews, gentiles, and pimps, oy vey #Rweimarsubthread

*Who makes the nazis?*
*I'll tell ya who makes the nazis*

Who Makes the Nazis? via @YouTube
*Who makes the Nazis?*
*Remember when I used to follow you home from school babe?*
*Before I got picked up for pedophilia*
Last Embrace was a pretty good movie, ever see it? hope so, b/c spoiler incoming. #goel #sanhedrin
#Rweimarsubthread #zwimigdal
"White slavery! These are my roots!"
#Rweimarsubthread #zwimigdal
"Fifteen and her fate is written."
#Rweimarsubthread considering how prominent jewish women have been in the women's movement, it's odd that most of the talk about jews in trafficking and porn mostly gets the light of day through these #strangebedfellows.
#Rweimarsubthread it's not as though jewish authors don't touch on these topics, but when they do, it's hardly front page news. Triple-exthnics got 403'd, so here is the wayback:
#Rweimarsubthread or maybe it's not that odd. betty friedan's #lavendermenace tanked lesbian/str8 relations in the the women's lib movement, factionalizing us to this very day. #mgtow is just lesbian separatism for closeted boys. band-aids for some, cultural dead end for others.
#Rweimarsubthread and those are the voices that get elevated by the MSM. the face of something is marketed as the great satan by the same forces that glorify it. spokesholes of NGOs get interviewed on flashy sets and tell us whom to fear.
#Rweimarsubthread cnn->splc->pepe->richard spencer->i love a good swiss->catboi nationalism. zomg i'm so skeered! and that's just the normie side. the "real" side is an onion of larpers and shills and sad puppies.
triumph of the shill via @YouTube
#Rweimarsubthread so #strangebedfellows might not be so strange after all. give us insight wrapped around a poison pill due to the source, so we dare not share it. but i have shown it isn't really the source. it's a vector. and it's controlled opposition.
#Rweimarsubthread there's a reason they call it Fed Ice. ask the women on the authoritarian right how happy they are being called cat ladies and dead-eggers. about as happy as the women on the left being called breeders and terfs.
#Rweimarsubthread and if it isn't divide and conquer, it's balls to the wall insane bullshit like mandela/flat earth/crazy-of-the-month to discredit otherwise good information.
*Who makes the Nazis?*
*...Buffalo lips on toast, smiling*
*...I put a finger on the weird.*
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