Okay so with the fandom not understanding Dumbledore, I'm gonna open the can of worms on the thing NO ONE understands anymore even though it is explained perfectly well in the books: Harry going to live with the Dursleys. Thread. +
+ THIS WAS A NO WIN SITUITION. There was no mystical good option like fans like to pretend. Dumbledore was between in a rock and a hard place. I see a lot of "HARRY SHOULD HAVE GONE TO LIVE WITH A WIZARD FAMILY!!111" Comments. No no no. +
+ I guarantee you if Dumbledore had given Harry to some wizard family, Harry wouldn't have lived to see his second birthday. Harry's foster parents would have been killed too. +
+ Lily's blood doesn't just keep out Voldemort, it keeps out death eaters, many of whom are as violent as Voldemort. Which is why everyone told Harry "DO NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE, WHATEVER YOU DO." +
+ Yes sending Harry to live with the Dursleys was a horrible option, but it was the ONLY option to keep Harry and whoever raised him alive. There was no winning scenario here. +
+ Dumbledore did not do this because he hated Harry or wanted to see him suffer. In fact, Rowling says on the distinctly Dumbledore feature that "he doesn't want to hurt anyone." He is not messing with lives for the Lols. He doesn't "not love" Harry. +
+ he loved Harry so much he avoided telling him for YEARS about the prophecy because he wanted Harry to have a normal childhood. +
+ you all are just angry there was no right choice in this scenario. Have Remus or the Weasleys or the Kowalskis adopt Harry and any of them and Harry would have died within a year. Just admit you are uncomfortable admitting that sending Harry to the Dursleys was the +
+ ONLY viable option to avoid needless deaths.
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