Time to see if China cheerleader blondie or any of the others who got burned to the ground yesterday are back & maybe had a little common sense beaten into them.

(Doubt it)

Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold a Press Briefing
They're outside in the Rose Garden today, perhaps because last night was too much of a fire hazard.

(Maybe you've seen the meme of @POTUS shooting lasers out of his eyes & burning the heretics down. If not, it's worth the search)
Right out of the starting gate @POTUS announces @stevenmnuchin1 negotiated a payroll agreement with the airlines.

US continuing to make substantial progess.
"Through the darkness we can see the rays of light, we can see that tunnel..."
15% of counties in US have 0 cases.

Many have very small number of cases.
Ordered a halt of funding to WHO pending a review of their mismanagement & covering up of COVID spread.


US pays $400-500mm to WHO vs China's $40mm or less.

US has duty to insist on full accountability.
Had other nations suspended travel from China like us, many lives would have been saved. Nations that followed WHO guidelines & left borders open to China have expanded the crises.
WHO attack on travel restrictions put political correctness ahead of saving lives.

Border control is fundamental to virus control.
W/ outbreak of pandemic, we question whether the US taxpayer's money has been spent in the best fashion.

WHO failed its basic duty & must be held accountable.

Failed to investigate credible reports from sources in Wuhan that contradicted the CCP's narrative.
Middle of Jan, WHO parroted the CCP narrative of no human to human transmission despite evidence to the contrary.

More time lost in time it took to get a team into the area of the outbreak.

Inability of WHO to get samples has deprived scientific community of ability to get -
timely data.

World rec'd false info about transmission & mortality from WHO.

Silence from WHO on disappearance of doctors & scientists in country of origin (China) is deeply concerning, esp when we put up the lion's share of money.
Had the put scientists on the ground & called out China's mistakes, we could have saved a lot of lives.

Instead WHO took China's word at face value & praised China's transparency. "I don't think so." - @POTUS

Fought us on our travel ban. Their neglect likely caused a 20-fold-
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