It can be a frustrating experience to give your all to something - day in and day out - and be criticized for it by people who don't have an inkling into what it takes to do the job.
Try waking up early every day, working hard to get important information and then be criticized - often publicly - for honest mistakes. Try standing up and asking the hard questions that the average person can't and then have it brushed aside as hysteria or "fake news".
Imagine just going about your day and having someone ride by on a bike and cuss you out and call you names. I get @ChrisCuomo frustration. It's not easy. It's often thankless. A big paycheck doesn't change that.
I am in no way saying I fully understand what it must be like to live in @ChrisCuomo shoes. But I have had a taste of the way people feel they can say or write whatever they want about you just because you are in the media.
Media people are often hardest on themselves. You don't think we see what other people see? You don't think we are tired of the partisanship...the flat-out lies...the bickering over b.s??
You don't think we see some people using partisanship for their own advantage? Selling-out for a paycheck? We see it. But it is what it is.
So to @ChrisCuomo, I get it. I think most people in the media would be lying if they said they haven't considered giving it all up. To just stop following the minutiae of news stories that last only a few minutes on the minds of watchers/listeners/readers before being discarded.
But remember, those in the media have a unique seat to view and comment on this moment in history. It's a responsibility we must take seriously and present honestly, even if others have the luxury of ignoring it.
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