As a massive Titanic enthusiast, I discovered some very cool facts.

The ship had room for over 30 lifeboats and the designers thought the ship would look too cluttered if they included them. So they agreed on 20.
The first lifeboat to leave the ship was lifeboat 7, at 12:40am which only left with 30 people aboard.

Occupants included bankers, movie actresses and rich socialites. 1st class passenger took her small dog aboard the lifeboat, her pomeranian called Bebe.
The last lifeboat to leave the ship successfully was lifeboat D, lowered at 2:05am - Titanic sank 15 minutes later.

1st class passenger Edith Evans voluntarily gave up her place in the boat to her friend, Caroline Brown, as she was a mother & Edith wasn’t. She died that night.
Only 4 women in 1st class died, compared to 12 women in 2nd class & almost 100 women in 3rd class.

3rd class passenegers were accidentally locked below decks to avoid a rush on the lifeboats.
3rd class passenger Milvina Dean - the youngest onboard at 2 months old - was the last survivor, passing away in 2009 aged 97.
90% of the men in second class perished, many believe due to second class being mainly British middle classes who didn’t rush the lifeboats unlike Americans.
1st class passenger Molly Brown threatened to throw the crewman overboard on lifeboat 6, after he refused to go back to pick up survivors. Their boat could have had another 40 people in it.
Lifeboat 1 was known as the ‘millionaires boat’. Lowered at 1:10am it had just 12 people in it - including 7 crewman. Fashion designer Lady Duff Gordon, seeing the ship plunging down & hearing the screams, said to her maid: ‘well, there’s your beautiful nightdress gone’.
Lifeboat 15 was the most heavily overloaded of the night, with over 70 people in it. In the confusion of loading the boats some children got split up from the parents, like 12 year-old Ruth Becker who separated from her mother. As was 6 year-old Eva Hart & her mother.
Collapsible lifeboat A was washed off deck at 2:10am. Partially flooded, it had 13 people in it when rescue showed up. Only 1 woman on the boat: 3rd class passenger Rhoda Abbott who refused a space in collapsible boat C earlier as her teenage sons were refused places in the boat.
Whilst Rhoda Abbott survived in the boat, others did not. Including married couple Edvard & Gerta Lindell, who died together in the boat. 1st class passenger Edith Evans was waiting to get in the boat as it washed off deck. She died of hypothermia that night & sadly fell out.
108 years on and Titanic still fascinates us all. God bless all that died that night and the survivors too. I have spent years doing research and assisting on projects. Read up everyone!
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