1/ I'm afraid we're in this weird dance right now.

Governors are flying the "savior" banner by keeping us all indoors and delaying a reopen until they have X, Y, Z...

Why? Because they've been given cover by the Fed and Treasury.

We are printing several trillions of dollars...
2/ ...to keep the economy in this suspended animation.

They also have air cover from the stock market, which has created an unreasonable wealth effect (and only helps the rich).

In their news conferences and safe jobs, they avoid talking about the tradeoffs...
3/ ...and the huge destruction in jobs and livelihoods of the small / solo business owner.

Tens of millions unemployed, and every day a new shoe drops in terms of furloughs, layoffs and bankruptcies.

Stock market (large companies) doing well, small guys getting buried alive.
4/ I'll bring this taboo/uncomfortable topic up again: case fatality rate could be quite low for COVID-19. It hovers around 0.3% in Singapore and Iceland.

*IF* this is true, are we saving 0.3% and damning 99.7% in the process, at a cost of trillions for all?
5/ At what point do the small guys revolt and reopen the economy by force?

Related point: if we reopened immediately, we'd have a competitive market in creative solutions for social distancing, cleanliness, etc.

As is, we have a Leviathan.

The end.
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