1/ A simple framework to make sure your job actually aligns with what you want, by quantifying preferences. 👇

I've also found it very useful as a managerial tool.

You have ONLY 100 points. Allocate across:
Work-Life Balance
2/ Autonomy, Compensation, Impact, Learning, Status, Team, & Work-Life Balance are the fundamental tradeoffs in any job.

Being honest about what you want, e.g. {Comp: 80, Status: 10, Team: 10} makes it easy to match to available jobs / options.
3/ Preferences will change over time.

There was a time when I would have put many more points towards Status. Today I optimize much more for Autonomy.

Having 100 points explicitly forces tradeoffs -- do I really value work-life balance twice as much as compensation?
4/ This is also an extremely clarifying tool for managers.

Too often managers incorrectly assume their team values the same things they do

Managers can do this simple 100 point exercise regularly and ensure their team members are in roles that make them happy and productive
5/ It's also much easier to say to yourself or to your manager
"Status: 60, Compensation: 35, Impact: 5"
"I want a promotion and don't care what product I work on"

It's not a perfect science. Just a tool to to ground truth and have an honest conversation with yourself
6/ The root of much career unhappiness is different preferences over time, e.g. You wanted a job with big Impact, got it, but two years later what you value now is Autonomy.

If you are switching jobs, 100 points can help you be much happier in your next role
7/ It's a tough economic time for millions of people right now, many of whom don't have the luxury to choose their own careers.

So if this framework is useful for you/your team, it's a good reminder to be grateful for the privilege that the framework implies.

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