being in the paycheck economy is like being a part of the world index
2/ hustling, bootstrapping, gigging is alpha looking for opportunities amidst an inefficient, volatile market
3/ being in the pay check economy is beta, getting the market returns.
one is figuratively – part of a machine
and literally — getting a 401k and salary, bi-weekly.
4/ in the paycheck economy, one's work experience, pedigree, and retirement fund compound "steadily" as one's career lengthens.
5/ alpha is the shot in the dark. what changes with #covid19? what are the opportunities to deploy sweat and capital to come out on top and help others less fortunate?
6/ beta is continuing to be in the (main) game. a game that slowly and sluggishly responds to a changing world. a game that, in turn, is accelerating in structural change and imploding in various parts of its own world.
7/ there's many ways to skin a cat. there's many ways to weather a crisis. but always remember, past performance is not indicative of future returns. consider your exposures, manage your risks, and choose your “portfolio" wisely.

stay in the game. risk on!
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