I once had COBRA that cost 700 a month and ate most of the money i had in savings - imagine thinking that this was an option.

this is almost as bad as @NYGovCuomo telling people to pay rent with their security deposit.

this democratic party is bad for working class americans
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer ultimately have no clue what's happening to workers in America. The ACA as an answer and not a legacy retention project is why people like myself DO NOT trust Biden.
The ACA is blown up. Private Insurance doesn't work. We have a full-blown medical epidemic where a greater organization of coverage managed by something other than profit generation machine would have been kinda nice.
Today I offered to pay a co-pay and was told they were waived because of coronavirus.

I don't have cornavirus, none of the services i got today were for anything related - yet this one special time, during a pandemic, i didnt have to reach into my pocket for care.
I am happy some of you loved Obama's presidency - but he kinda left you holding the bag on healthcare and so many still give him cover for it because he was cool and nice.
party loyalty don't pay for someone's insulin or cancer treatment.
so im not a democrat and probably wont be anymore
it's time to look beyond the nice feelings you got from the guy "who only wore a tan suit" and remember what we still need to do for people to have safety, security and human rights.
remember, it's not about Bernie -it's about a real fucking future.
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