gonna do some quick/dirty summary-type translations so mute this thread if you're not into that, but, having watched this already i have to say this is probably one of my favorites of #yinzheng's interviews https://twitter.com/bonbonruru/status/1249719774059339776
-explained the details of him getting the role of sxr in a little more detail. he was recommended to yu zheng (producer) by jiu ren (one of the writers of the adapted screenplay, and vidder who had previously made an FMV where she cast yin zheng as sxr)
yu zheng and yin zheng got along well in their face2face chat, but yu zheng said the decision for the cast ultimately depended on the hui kaidong (director), and encouraged yin zheng to join the cast of <arsenal military academy> which hui kaidong was filming at the time
filming with hui kaidong for <arsenal military academy> went really well, so the decision was made from there.

-his favorite opera performance that he did for <begonia> was as zou shi (the handkerchief scene) bc she's a widow but is lovesick, which he thought was interesting
-the more he learned about opera, the more wary he was of engaging with(/performing) opera bc once he learned how much went into it and saw how passionate the two opera consultants were about it, he couldn't dare claim he just "learned a few bars" or something
-after performing in <begonia> he really began to appreciate how dominating an aura it has an art. it's not a question of "oh maybe i'll watch it, maybe i won't": the moment you're sat in front of the stage there's no way you can escape its draw
-yz said he+sxr share a love of acting/the stage, but sxr's passion is much more intense than yz's own. importantly, sxr focuses on his own work+doesn't care abt others' opinons. yz says his motto is "be honest, kind, & straightforward" and sxr is all those things to the extreme
yz mentioned that in comparison to sxr, who still chose acting even when he had a gun to his head, yz was like YEAH SRY2SAY I'D PREFER TO LIVE i'd tell them i won't act every again in my life lol
-the interviewer mentioned lots of people loved yz's voice acting in <the voice> but felt sxr's old beijing accent in <begonia> seemed exaggerated. yz explained that sxr isn't from beijing -- he's from pingyang BUT he's the type who's clever and would try to integrate quickly
which gave rise to the specific accent/emphasis in the way he speaks. that cadence was to reflect the fact that bc acting is so important to sxr, even when he's not on stage sxr is still "acting", so even in casual conversation he SOUNDS like he's on stage
-yz said he really didn't do much improvisation/changes in acting out the script for <begonia> because he felt the script was already really great, to the point of spoiling an actor. if he could act out everything in the script then that would be more than satisfactory
there are a few scenes (e.g. stealing cft's shoes during the cookie spraying scene) that he added but he said those weren't really changes, they were just reactions to the situation already outlined in the script. but mostly everything was already given to him in the script
e.g. sxr really enjoying food, sxr biting his finger nails when nervous. the script was basically just spoon feeding everything to him and all he had to do was open his mouth to eat it lol.
-sxr eats so much in the drama because he was a food in the original novel start with. in fact, one of the scenes in the novel that they didn't use in the drama was that sxr, when he was young, was the type who would beat you to death for touching his food
sxr's childhood wasn't that great—he was separated from his parents and then sold to an opera troupe, where he got beaten a lot. in that situation, eating was an outlet for his frustrations and an expression of his happiness. plus, eating = survival
yz really tried to convey how much sxr loved food in all the eating scenes. they needed to expression emotion, enjoyment, and show how much sxr genuinely loved to eat.
-the most he ate in one scene was 4~5 bowls of zhajiang mian (soybean paste noodles).
the reason why he had to eat so much was bc the director was the type that preferred scenes be real and doesn't like it when actors do that thing where they chew something and then spit it out. there was no pt in asking if they had enough footage and he could therefore fake it
the director was basically like "it doesn't matter if i'm gonna use the footage or not, you're going to continue eating" because there's a difference between pretending you have something in your mouth and talking and actually having something in your mouth and talking
lmao the interviewer was like 'ah so the whole cast was eating with you huh' and yz was like no... i was the only one eating.... worse, he was eating a fatty foods (like chinese crullers, scallion pancakes, + pig hock) at night and he's the type to gain weight easily too
-re: chewing the spring pancake 121 times—yz has always been the type to like stuffing his mouth full of food. chewing the spring pancake 121 times was just a product of that (he'd stuffed so much in his mouth he had to chew that many times to swallow it)
-yz doesn't rly control his appearance when eating bc he he thinks he doesn't look that bad while eating: he doesn't chew w his mouth open, have bits flying out, or talk while eating; he only maybe overstuffs his mouth + people seem to enjoy watching him eat so
-he does notice when he gets on hot search, and is pleased even if it's for weird things (like chewing a spring pancake 121 times) because it's not like it's something bad and it means he's bringing people happiness.
to him, hot search is a way for celebs to be 'discovered' and discussed by the public. he reads the posts when he gets on hot search and if he finds something interesting will engage with it. he likes social media because it gives him a chance to interact with fans/audience
-the interviewer said she found yz's social media presence to be very "realistic" and not very idol-esque and yz jokingly said "so you really couldn't continue reading". the interviewer said it just felt very honest because he posted about the things he liked and stuff
she asked if he was very aware of his public persona and yz replied his public persona is just himself—a homebody who likes acting, motorcycles, and animanga; none of it's faked, it's just how he is. whatever you think he's like, he's probably like 80-90% that
-the interviewer said that since he debuted at 27 he could be considered to have debuted late. considering this, what did he think of his luck since debuting. yz said he thought he'd done pretty well since he'd always wanted to be an actor
and he's had the good opportunity to be recognized by a lot of people in a lot of his works. better, he hasn't left any bad impressions on people which he thinks is important bc everyone is stressed/exhausted + it's no good causing people more trouble/stress
he doesn't think he debuted late because he doesn't think it's possible TO debut late. he compared it to love—even if you find your true love at 70 that isn't late because at least you found them while you're still alive.
-he doesn't have any issues w people commenting on his life/career; it's not like he can go + tell the negative commenters to shut up and make it so there's only good comments.
-even the comments that criticize him, if they're reasonable he's not afraid of them
those that are groundless obviously make him kinda unhappy but at the same time it's worth examining why they have these opinions about you. those that are actively hateful though aren't worth caring abt because they're of ill intent anyway. he can't make everyone love him
and anyway probably those people have shitty lives so it's more productive to instead think about how you can help them (although most of them can't be helped since you're separated by a monitor screen)
-the interviewer mentioned on reality shows he seems to be really caring of his cohosts. yz said he's someone that tends to get along with people; he prefers things be easy going—you don't have to be happy ALL the time as long as you aren't arguing.
-re:motorcycles. he genuinely loves motorcycles and has a lot of friends who are into motorcycles but truthfully there's not a ton of people in the ent industry who are into motorcycle *racing*; of the people who have continued to race, it's p much just him + wyb
-his primarily an anime otaku (as opposed to games/manga). he doesn't watch a ton of new series; he tends to rewatch the old classics (anime + movie) because every time he watches there's a new flavor to find.
-bc of the quarantine he had a ton of time to watch movies, play games, listen to music, and eat. normally he doesn't have time to cook but this time he bought a huge bottle of peanut oil and even fried chicken for himself. (can only cook a few dishes but does alright on them)
-his goal for the future is to promote <begonia> as much as possible and to do a few more magazine shoots (even though truthfully he dislikes having his photo taken)
-he also hoped for the quarantine to end soon and for things to get back to normal, and then better than normal
-interviewer mentioned they used to ride motorcycles but can only ride in the backseat nowadays. yz's reply was ohh you're a senior, "senpai yoroshiku-onegaishimasu" sldjfalsjdflksjdf WHY IS HE SO EMBARRASSING
-if he and wyb have time they'll definitely meet to go ride motorcycles, but they've both been super busy. the interviewer mentioned she'd seen a photo of them on an electric scooter. yz explained they ride it when they're checking out the race track
and then he explained a bunch of stuff abt what they look for/review on the track that got fastforwarded through lmaoooo. the conclusion though was THERE'S NO TIME FOR FRIENDSHIP, ONLY BUSINESS WHILE RIDING THE PINK SCOOTER
OK AND THAT'S THE END. sorry for the fucking crazy amount of tweets lmao. i'm honestly amazed i only lost 2 followers after all that 😂

if there's anything that seems weird please tell me because there's a 90% chance i either typed something wrong/translated something wrong oop
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