"bbc sherlock was a faithful adaptation of the original books!"

fuck off. then keep fucking off. then fuck off into the sun. then re-read the books. then explain to me where his magic sister with mind powers and sherlock's own sociopathy materialised from
Sherlock Holmes was never a cruel psychopath who delighted in lording his intelligence over other people; he was a warm, compassionate man who sometimes struggled to express himself. He was not *gestures* THAT MESS
John Watson was nowhere near as clever, but he admired his friend and tried to learn from.his methods. When left to his own devices he didn't just stand around waiting for Sherlock to come back to give him purpose; he had his own life and dreams and goals
IRENE ADLER WAS THE ONLY PERSON TO EVER BEST SHERLOCK IN HIS ENTIRE CAREER. To take that away from her and instead substitute a misogynist storyline of her being obsessed with him is insulting and trite. And lazy. Moff can't write women.
Not only that, but the show hated its own fans. Moff wrote himself into a corner with Reichenbach and wasn't clever enough to write his way out of it, so he hand waved it harder than Rise of Skywalker hand waved Palpatine and ridiculed any fans who had their own ideas
The only reason this show was popular because it queer-baited teenagers (whilst treating its only gay character as a murderous psychopath 🙄) and hopefully in a decade or so they'll watch the show again and realise it was always shit
oh, and it also tried to excuse Sherlock's utter assholery by implying he wasn't neurotypical, i.e. giving him 'austistic traits' to rail against any criticism, which is despicable.
and finally, they made Mycroft Holmes - Sherlock's brother who was meant to be just as smart, if not smarter than Sherlock - a complete and total idiot, as well as thinning down his character and implying fat people can't be smart.

fuck you, you garbage show
tl;dr the apple tree yard conspiracy theory about the last season of Sherlock was smarter than the entirety of Sherlock and it was invented from thin air by a group of starry eyed fans who were unable to accept that the show was shit from the off

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