Can we just take a moment in our pandemic cells to reflect on all the horrors of the last 3-1/2 years. Here is a recap:
•Attempts to ban Muslims and POC to enter country
•Creation of concentration camps filled with children and babies
•Separation of children and loss of thousands of children
•Increase of institutional and systemic racism throughout country.
•Increase of stochastic terrorism and fascist attacks against blacks, Latinos, Jews, trans people and other minorities. Defense of white supremacism
•Complete and utter corruption of all government departments and agencies
•Complete disregard of Constitution regarding Emoluments Clause, nepotism, and crony capitalism
•Every agency and government department underfunded, understaffed or led by a hand-picked leader
intent on disrupting said agencies’ legitimate work.
•Unrelenting attacks on women’s reproductive rights.
•Placing corrupt and unqualified and biased judges at all levels of our judicial system including the Supreme Court.
•A Senate that has consistently shut down thousands of bills designed to help the middle and working class.
•A tax-break for the nation’s wealthiest people at the expense of it’s weakest and most disadvantaged.
•A tax-break that tripled the national debt and passed the
burden onto our grandchildren’s generation for the foreseeable future.
•A trade-war with China and the EU that increased prices for all imports and destroyed the markets of American farmers and manufacturers.
•A concerted effort to destroy all trade and political agreements with our Allies for the past 50 years.
•Calling Sovereign countries and allies “shitholes.”
•Total war against environmental regulations and protections that preserved our natural resources against disease
disease-causing pollution.
•A President who attempted to compel an ally at war to investigate his political opponent by withholding bipartisan passed arms and aid. He then lied about this and an entire party chose to cover up this crime instead of holding a fair trial.
•The removal of record numbers of government officials and citizens who dared to question this criminal behavior.
•A reckless missile attack on a sovereign nation which led to a counterattack which caused widespread injuries to military men and women. Was denied/minimized.
•The failure of this Administration to respond and assist Puerto Rico during the worst hurricane of modern times, and a denial of the actual death count.
•Unrelenting attacks on the Press, on the American Intelligence Community by this Administration.
•A network of media powers that serves to uphold, defend and disseminate misinformation, propaganda and lies in order to maintain the power and privilege of this President and his supporters.
•An alliance with the very country who attacked our own election in 2016
up to and including secret meetings with its leader. This country and its leaders have for decades attacked Democracy at every turn and committed war crimes against their own citizens.
•A President who illegally profits from his position on a daily basis.
•The destruction of numerous government initiatives and agencies simply because they were begun by this President’s predecessor, including the pandemic response team.
•The complete lack of preparedness and federal response to a global pandemic which has resulted
of preparedness.
•Soon to be followed by the denial of the total death toll due to this pandemic and the creation of a false narrative that 60-70K deaths is some kind of “victory.”
There are currently nearly 25,000 dead Americans due to this unequivocally epic disaster of a Republican President and Party. We have to #EndtheGop or they will end us.
You can follow @SoulBlossom_Wen.
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