A couple of years ago I was asked by a reporter about how hospitals prepare for mass shootings. I said that the essence of Emergency Medicine was being prepared for all things and our unusual ability to “transform chaos into calm”.
Now more than ever this has been proven to be entirely true. For the individual patient, for those waiting and for those yet to come
Emergency physicians and nurses have shown their true mettle in these past few anxiety provoking weeks and have shown no inclination to waver in the coming weeks
I’m proud to be an emergency physician. I’m proud to work with nurses who consistently perform selfless acts with love and courage. I’m proud to be associated with our paramedics I’m proud to be an @CAEP_Docs member
Such a great honour to be allowed to serve at such a time
Transforming Chaos into Calm one patient at a time!
You can follow @alandrummond2.
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