I’m sick of seeing stuff like this on twitter so I’m going to be running down some of the best aspects of historical and modern “white” western culture in a thread for the uneducated: https://twitter.com/p1aygrl/status/1250147648881004544
Literature: The West has produced some of the greatest literary titans to ever walk the planet, many of whom are still studied today and have made profound impacts on not only so called “white culture” but - plethoras of others too.
Philosophy / Theology: Western thinkers have been at the forefront of philosophical and theological thought for centuries, and their ideas have laid the groundwork for some of the best functioning states to ever exist on earth.
Art: The West has produced some of the most famous and influential artistic movements and individuals in history, producing masterpieces for several decades (and still going!).
Architecture: Similarly to art, “White People” have created some of the most iconic structures in history that still amaze generations today.
[Classical] Music: Western composers have created the most iconic pieces of classical music in the world, not only paving the groundwork for future music but manifesting masterpieces in their own right.
Poltical Theory: “White People” have provided the foundations for immeasurably influential political theories and have helped improve the lives of millions around the globe with their discussion.
Fashion: From the tuxedo to the denim jeans, Western culture has created the most iconic high and low fashion across the world, which other cultures adopt and adapt to this day.
Innovation: Western people have created some of the most transformational pieces of tech to improve the lives of people all over the globe, from the vaccine to the Volvo.
Music: Whilst no-one can argue white artists didn’t steal from some black musicians, it is undeniable that from 1970-onwards white people perfected rock and roll into what it is today, with many different sub-genres (punk, grunge, britpop, alternative, metal) evolving from that.
Sport: Whilst it is true many sports have been adapted by many different cultures, nearly all popular sports worldwide originated from the West, with competitions such as the Olympics going back centuries.
Food / Drink: The West has produced masses of popular food and drink within its different sub-cultures, with many of these becoming worldwide favourites today.
I’ve missed a huge amount in this thread, but it should prove sufficient for knocking those who claim “White Culture” doesn’t exist. This wasn’t meant to degrade or diss other cultures, simply highlight the fact that historically the West has / had a massive impact ... {1/2}
{2/2} on worldwide history and that “white” people should not be afraid to be proud of the many accomplishments and feats that have been manifested out of this culture. Time to clear my camera roll 😅
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