Did previous civilizations deal with whiners like this?

"Man, we've gotta open the gates."
"We've been through this, Phil. The Mongols are still outside."
"But I've gotta harvest my turnips"
"Ugh. But we've been in here or WEEKS."
"That's how sieges work, Phil."
"But the Mongols have barely killed anyone in days."
"That's because of the walls, Phil."
"Are you sure? Maybe the Mongols aren't that dangerous."
"I'm just saying, how bad could it be. They can't kill ALL of us"
"That is literally the thing they do."
"But my turnips..."
Just a whole party of Phils. https://twitter.com/MI_Republicans/status/1250463355468423170
To clarify for my many, many mentions: no one is saying that we don't need turnips, or that Phil isn't hungry. It's just that you can't ignore reality just because it isn't the reality that gets you what you want.

We all want to leave. But your exit 'strategy' will get us killed

Talk about being hoisted with one's own petard; the King of the Phils just HAD to be a Brian. https://twitter.com/wsbtv/status/1252333253526269952
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