Experimenting with a way of organizing linked references into useful content in @RoamResearch. This isn't quite Evergreen Notes, but useful to me. I start with a lot of incoming stuff, almost all from Daily Pages. Let's say I've been researching @wikidata.
I open the page in the sidebar, expand the linked references, and begin thinking about how to organize them. I pull them in using mentions (for single blocks) or embeds (for grabbing children too), and begin organizing them in an outline.
As I go along, I add the tag #p whenever I've fully processed a note, and use a filter to remove these. When there are two important tags, and I might want to process the second tag, I instead change from [[Wikidata]] to [[[[Wikidata]]-p]].
Thus I can still click on Wikidata to get to this page, but I can filter on [[Wikidata]]-p to remove it from the linked references of this page (it will still show up in the linked references for that other tag). Here I might also want to process it in the context of The Brain.
When all is said and done, I've got an empty linked references inbox (waiting for me to tag new things in the future, which I can then go in and organize), and I have a really neat outline, with all the great stuff.
One big downside is that I can't easily copy this content - it just looks like this (whether I copy and paste, or export as Markdown). Hopefully there will be an option to copy as text in the future, in the meantime I'll probably use this as input to my own writing anyway.
Thinking more about this, I think in the future I will default to moving text from Daily Notes if I think they belong somewhere - easier to drag a bullet+children than {{embed + tag #p, and I shouldn't worry so much about the integrity of my daily #Inbox.
Also easier to edit/move/combine the contents of multiple blocks. However, for content in context (Instapaper, Twitter threads, Kindle clippings etc), or content that already live on another content page, I'll still use embeds/block-embeds.
I sat down to sort out all of my Zettelkasten linked references today, and did a little video with think aloud. 35 minutes, including 20 minutes of actual "knowledge work". I got a lot less done than I had thought (useful insight), but still made progress.
Would love your thoughts on this process, and how you would do it differently - I'm still experimenting. I also put all of my Zettelkasten notes with linked references (using roam-export) here https://roamresearch.com/#/app/stian-research/page/T6_xWjuVP https://twitter.com/houshuang/status/1251943341660520449 @ctietze
You can follow @houshuang.
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