Bad HypMic Puns

*tragic transistor intensifies*
How does Dice like his eggs?

Scramble Gambled
Why is Samatoki so rude?

Because he has invisible manners
Why are the Buster Bros so upset right now?

They’re being blinded with Reis of sunshine
Where does Mad Trigger Crew want to go for vacation?

Rio de Janeiro
What kind of car is Ichiro saving up for?

A Subaru
I really like Rio’s cooking. The way he cooks bees are 2DIE4
Rosho has another fear besides the stage. He told me that he finds nuts quite creepy
Doppo might just be Michael Jackson’s biggest fan, and he especially loves Black or White!
Rei finds oranges to be quite suggestive, or maybe even dirty
Samatoki spent most his life living in the gangsta’s paradise
Jyushi can’t type very well, as he always types in leetspeak
Hitoya will forever be stuck in purgatory, as he can’t decide between Heaven and Hell
Why does Ramuda sleep outside while sick?

He wanted to set up an Ill-Camp
Ramuda starred in his first movie!! What was it rated by the MPAA??

Easy, R!
Why are Jyuto and Rio hanging out without Samatoki?

They need private time
Why is Matenrou the most classy division?

They have Shinjuku Style
Hifumi told me that he wants a new design for his suit. He’s thinking...Zeebra stripes!!
MTC is pretty easy to piss off. Or maybe...Trigger Off
God, I think HypMic hated people who live in the Northern Hemisphere, calling them bastards and stuff
Who is Samatoki’s favorite character from Danganronpa?

Okay, I think I’m done with puns! I think I lose at least 50 braincells while making this thread
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