My experience with sobriety, @satanic_temple_ , and dialectical behavior therapy: a thread. Please note: I am not a representative for The Satanic Temple or DBT. This is my personal experience.
I think it’s horrifying that most alcoholics are told to either “find god” or die. That is abuse in so many ways and promotes dogmatic, anti-scientific lies. I fell victim to this a long, long time ago. I continued to drink. Granted, my alcoholism was mild, but still painful.
I finally found Secular AA which is AA without the dogma. God is totally removed from the equation. But I still needed a deeper connection to my understanding of my place in the world. I found that in the seven tenets @satanic_temple_ .
I ended up re-writing the already re-written secular twelve steps to be my own personal satanic steps. This is what I came up with. (Again, please note that I do not represent the satanic temple in any way, this is my personal experience).
It’s kept me sober through this pandemic. It’s given me hope that maybe one day there will be proper help and support for those struggling with addiction. TST also offers support for that. I’m working with what I’ve got.
I have also been in dialectical behavior therapy for a long time and using my skills to stay sane during this crazy time. I miss going to my brazilian jiu-jitsu classes but at least I can do yoga, write, read, and meditate from home.
I guess what I’m saying here is that there’s no right way to get sober. But I refuse to give credit for my hard work on myself to some imaginary sky daddy. So I wrote my own damn twelve steps and found community in various places most would call “fringe.”
End of thread. Hail Satan and thank you @LucienGreaves for your writing during COVID-19. It’s given me a little hope in people.
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