If you know me, it’ll come as no surprise to know I love Horror, particularly of the late 70s to 90s variety. I love the grit, the cheese, the colour, the absurdity. They were frequently gloriously *indulgent* movies where possible.
Even when modern horror Grimy as it did in the 00s, the colour and lighting tended towards being fairly sterile. I’m not the SFX purist I used to be but bad cgi isn’t as fun as bad practical effects.
This thread tho is a celebration of one part of the horror renaissance’s legacy tho – there’s a shedload of absolute bangers on their soundtracks.
The songs of Horror Movies are often forgotten though – everyone knows the Friday the 13th Theme but not as many people know “His Eyes” from the series. I wanna help people get acquainted with some of this.
This thread is not gonna have any particular order to it except that I’ll try and group related things together – some movies have more than one song I can throw out and there’s always sequels.
Gonna throw in some commentary on the movies as I go as well prob. Might include some instrumental stuff as well. I might have to do this in a few bouts and it's probably not gonna be a complete list by any means haha
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