Quarantine is causing a shift in how entertainers make content. A-list celebs are taking a crack at the Youtube life, news reporters are broadcasting from their homes. Athletes turn to gaming. Most recently, a NASCAR driver dropped the n-word on a livestream. Which makes me want
to shine the light on streamers, digital creators, and those who have been hustling for YEARS on these platforms. Those who conduct themselves with poise and professionalism. Those who are conscientious of their audience and their responsibility as creators. Being in the digital
spotlight isn’t as easy as “just” hitting record or going live. It takes tact. It takes technique. And it takes compassion of taking into account who’s listening, watching, and consuming the content. The NASCAR driver dropped the word casually — as if he says it all the time
and imho — this is a reflection of who he is normally, without cameras. Perhaps, this blow to his career will shake up his conscience. His actions are not okay. But I do believe that people can grow. And I do hope there’s change. There’s certainly things I’ve said and done in my
life that is no longer reflective of who I am today. And I hope that instead of anger and resentment he can own up and evolve. But moving back to the point — traditional celebs are moving into digital during these times. Veterans of this industry are worth applauding for paving
the way for years. So, tag a creator or two or three who you love and support ❤️ here are some of mine: @OMGitsfirefoxx @Nicholasvanj @PamelaHorton13 @CrankGameplays @NaomiKyle @Goodvibesguy1 @Jack_Septic_Eye @Mae @andrearene @GameOverGreggy @maudegarrett
You can follow @AtomicMari.
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