Nobody questions why Saudi and the Gulf States turned their backs on the millions of suffering Syrian refugees, preferring to instead insult and denigrate the same western countries that opened their arms to accept them.
Somehow the West was the cause of the humanitarian issues, it surely wasn't Bashar's dictatorship or existing sectarian divisions, nope, it was the West. The West even dared to say they could only take in some refugees and not all, how evil of them!
What's more, the West had the audacity to expect a refugee population to integrate into their societies. They really expected the refugees to accept progressive values and liberal democracy, the fucking nerve.
American reluctance to involve itself in the Syrian War is now twisted into having been the result of apathy and not due to the fact that American involvement in the Middle East has been a central point of criticism for over a decade now.
Nobody talks about Russia and it's absolutely devestating ongoing bombing campaigns in Syria. Believe it or not, the US military actually does hold itself to a higher standard than Russia's and actually does make an attempt to avoid civilian deaths, crazy right?
There's a reason why Americans hold their government to high standards, it is the same reason the Russian bombing campaigns in Syria are not garnering as much outrage in Russia as it would have among Americans if it was carried out by the US.
Back to Saudi and the Gulf States, they have the money to right a lot of problems in the Middle East. Not least of all poverty, but they simply do not. Where is the Islamic solidarity? Does the Ummah not apply in this case?
Sorry, just had to rant a little bit. The hypocrisy and double-standards are just outrageous. They betray a sense of entitlement so engrained in people living in the West that they don't realize just how privileged they are.
As much as Americans would like to believe that they have a broken democracy, they simply do not. Your vote still does matter for now despite all the attempts at gerrymandering your influence out of existence. Bernie lost because he wasn't winning enough states.
Trump won because he came victorious in the same electroral system that saw Obama win the presidency twice. Either realize the unique opportunity being afforded to you and go out, organize, & vote at every election u can at every level, or simply just shut the fuck up honestly.
And yes, I do realize how disorganized this thread is. But my point(s) stands despite what the University of Twitter's Foreign Policy department is telling you.
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