Important conversation with women of colour working in #globadev on impact of Covid-19 on their work. Here's what I'm seeing. Important for those of you striving to become #feministleaders 1/
All WOC I spoke to said there was already an increased burden on them to prove their effectiveness *before* lockdown. Post-lockdown, with furlough decisions looming, the pressure on them to out-perform their white peers is tougher than ever 2/
Many WOC said that certain microbehaviours exhibited by their managers had intensified since they started to work remotely. 'Trust levels were never high - now [my manager] scrutinises my work more than ever, and monitors when I am and aren't online' said one. 3/
Most said they were working longer hours than ever. While this is true for many people, managers need to acknowledge the intersectional pressures that many WOC face at the moment. 4/
Some say that, despite encouraging noises coming from CEOs and Senior Leadership Teams, it's not always filtering down to middle-management level that things should not be business as usual 5/
More listening, greater trust, checking your bias and being aware of how furlough decisions might differentially impact upon different groups is more important than ever from managers #feministleadership END
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