Statement's Minister👇👇 is clear, we go through to explain.
1- No 1 on earth can come to a population of 6M with tweet saying: Hello, pls eat chicken and quit on the red meat for now and expect people more likely to be robots and change their food regime.
In this sense, this statement looks like a silly school homework done or a favor done to some chickens farmers needed this kind of promotion.
2- And the most important, our minister is encouraging people to quit on the red meat, ignoring the fact of local Bill Calf farmers and
the hustle that such statement may cause. To brief about Bull farmers, they buy them 2-3M old, they feed with high protein intake which is an expensive regime for 8-9 months, and yeah Bull eats a lot.
During this 9 months period,Bull gets sick, get injured, the death is expected anytime causing a bug loss. So,I'm sure our farmers were very happy seeing their relevant minister after all the investment, the hard time , the hard work, encouraging public to quit on the red meat.
Going further, the chickens farmers are in a serious problem, as they buy their hatched based on forecasts which I believe it collapsed with the currency volatile and they probably lost their Sierra Leone export as cost of production jumped high.
So now hatched are grown, need to be slaughtered and Lebanon must eat this without price drop which leads to bigger issue if small farmers close down.
This is a real problem, could be impossible to be solved without losses.
Public must definitely not eat the loss, nor Bull farmers ofcourse. Chicken farmers are a potential taker as this is their chicken, their forecast but not their fault whatsoever. The most suitable loss takers are state leaders who led the nation to this shit situation.
State Minister as a minister is in tough position right now, we shall see if he is up to the challenge, taking chain of actions to save the farms and stabilize affordable price, otherwise, they will all fall like a Domino leaving citizens jobless.
I encourage the minister to start planting our soil with cereals, not just for our Manakish as well as per the issue we r talking about now. Chickens need protein intake, there is no way around
he can invest in Aquaponics as they are the most effective at the moment with fish farms ready, plant soybean at first to secure protein then go to corn if our resources are sufficient.
I dnt want to repeat myself, grain market is unpredictable for the next year at least, with our fragile currency we are screwed. Government must work the ars hard to plant cereals, and plant it properly to cost 250$/MT its achievable.
Moving forward to homesteads, your chicken arr at risk, feed has already doubled the price with no future guarantees. Start planting protein for your chicken, you can use hydroponics as better space management or soil to plant following:
Pumpkin for seeds
Parsley - to be mixed with other food
Worms (we spoke about)

Go to the fishmarket and get as much waste as you can.
These are your protein, also there is no way around, chickens need 25% protein or forget about production eggs/meat
For energy intake you can plant potatoes,beetroot (boil before feeding), corn, cucumber, sunflowers seeds, buckwheat,clover, Alfalfa.
Try to secure waste food from your neighbors, restaurants around. Do no leave any single source of food for your chickens. Get all.
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