Due to the #coronavirus outbreak, many of us are currently working from home. We find ourselves on the couch or in the kitchen trying to complete our to-do lists.

The expectations are the same, but the environment is not.

Here are 10 tips on how to stay productive.
1. Keep yourself to regular work hours

This is the first step to ensuring productivity while working from home. It’s tempting to give yourself total flexibility as to when you get started, take breaks, and call it a day. But inconsistency can do more harm than good.
Setting yourself consistent hours keeps you accountable to yourself and to your boss. It makes you more likely to get all your work done, and it makes it easier to get in touch with you.
Here are the important factors to consider when you’re setting an at home-work schedule:

- When your boss needs you to be available
- Communication with your coworkers and customers
- Time of day when you are most productive
This doesn’t mean that you need to work 9-5 every day. You should work at the times of day when you’re most productive. However, it’s a good idea to find out when your boss really needs you to be at work.
For example, it might be important for you to check your emails each morning, or to be available by phone in the afternoons. Other than that, choose times of day when you’re likely to get the most work done.
Communicate those hours of availability to anyone that might need to get in touch with you, and you’ll be on your way to productive, consistent workdays.

This would also have an impact on your rest periods because whether you're commuting or working from home, health is key.
2. Select a space based on your needs.

The home office serves a great purpose, but it isn’t for everybody all the time. Would you like to fuel your creativity, or do you prefer a quiet environment for crunching numbers?
For some people working from home, they may find themselves curled up on the sofa today and at the dining table tomorrow, depending on the project at hand. Flexibility is key.
Determine how you usually divide your day. For example, are you more creative in the morning? You may spend that time writing or brainstorming. The afternoons then could be a more relaxed time spent sitting on the sofa, sifting through emails and other stuff.
3. Declutter.

Whether you work in a home office, kitchen or living room, if there’s “stuff” around that reminds you of your household chores, your eyes will go there and you’ll get distracted.
Whenever you work from home, claim a clutter-free zone. This will help you stay focused on your workload and remain more aligned with an in-office experience.
4. Get ready for the day.

Many people think working from home means sitting around in pyjamas with the television on in the background. Not true! Just like in an office setting, you have to set yourself up for success when working from home.
Set a morning ritual of getting dressed, making your morning cup of coffee and doing whatever else you need to get in the right mindset. You may also want to jot down your work to-do list for the day. You increase your chances of being productive when you set an intention.
5. Put yourself in a good position.

Some people find it easy to work in bed or on the sofa. In either case, if you’re not sitting at a table, make sure you’ve got a small one within easy reach. You will benefit from having the space to set a glass of water and your phone.
You can also use a c-table to prop your laptop up to eye level and reduce strain on your neck. In addition to finding a surface space, you’ll also want to make sure to keep your posture in check. Prop yourself up with a few throw pillows to help maintain proper body alignment.
6. Break up the day

Make sure you get up from your 'desk' to get some fresh air, grab a healthy snack and talk with another human being if possible. All of these activities will help you reset, get your blood flowing, and make sure you’re ready to tackle the next chunk of tasks.
Try planning how you’ll spend your breaks ahead of time, so you have something to look forward to. Just make sure you decide how long you will spend on a break, so you don’t get too distracted. Ten to 30 minutes is great for shorter breaks, & an hour or two is perfect for lunch.
7. No roomies allowed

This is tricky but being efficient working from home is all about boundaries. This also means setting boundaries for kids, pets, and your spouse or roommates. Try to encourage them to leave you alone while you are working so you can stay focused.
However, in these circumstances, it's also important to realise that work-life integration might trump work-life balance where people try to separate work and personal life.

Be flexible and try not to be so rigid.
Instead of trying to force productivity when you’re not or to relax when your mind’s whirling, be adaptable. Don’t feel guilty for getting up at 3:00 a.m. to document a brilliant thought or for going on that morning walk. You’ll find yourself more productive & happier.
8. Transfer your commute time to intentional rest time.

Calculate the amount of time you normally have to commute and translate that time to your "rest" allowance. This is time for us to detach from our work.
Instead of starting our day off by stressing out about getting somewhere on time, invest that time into either a relaxing ritual that gets you to a calm and clear state of mind or invest it into winding down your day so that you don't form a habit of working into the night.
9. Be your own janitor

Unlike in the office, you don’t have a janitor to clean up after you, which means you have to do it yourself. Keeping your home office clean helps you stay focused, get organized, and be productive.
However, this tip goes beyond just keeping your home office clean. Having a messy home could inspire you to procrastinate on work tasks in favour of cleaning–which is bad news for your productivity.
Setting yourself a weekly cleaning schedule can help you keep on top of cleaning your home, so you won’t be tempted to clean during work hours. Make sure to schedule regular tidying of your home office!

It's also healthy. Don't cultivate germs indoors while avoiding #COVID19.
10. Stay connected.

One of the best things about working in an office is the potential for collaboration and socialization. You don’t have to lose this just because you are working from home. Try to check in with your coworkers often by email, phone, Skype, or even in person.
Make sure you keep up on a personal level as well as a professional level. You can do this without taking a lot of time–just share the things that are most important, and encourage your coworkers to do the same.
Finally (yes, this is 'jara'), log off!

One of the most important aspects of a healthy work-from-home routine is creating boundaries. Log off for the day—and not just from your laptop. Have a last-minute idea come up after office hours? Jot it down, but come back to it tomorrow.
Just because you have access to work anytime doesn’t mean you should be logged in 24/7. Allow yourself to have downtime to create a work-life balance—we all need it, no matter where we are working.
If you can master these 10 tips, you will be a work-from-home wizard before you know it. You might even find yourself becoming more productive.

That's all we've got for today. Please remain vigilant and stay safe.
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