It’s a Tuesday, and you‘re distracted by something pretty on Manakarra Beach, Indonesia.

You have no idea on hashtags: #RockQuest & #RockWalk are crowded, #LickPetOrFlee is confusing to new players, so maybe a blunt #YouFindARock will do.

📷 Spirit Rock Shop
You gaze at the chalcedony, contemplating how the druzy minerals look like perfect little grapes.

> Lick

Your tongue darts out, swiping across the microcrystalline quartz.

You taste nothing, realizing grape chalcedony has an identical flavour profile as the glass grapes in your grandmother’s fake fruit display, likely because both are silicon dioxide.

> Pet gently

You carefully run your fingers over the velvety sheen of the delicate globes, marvelling such beauty can crystallize within andesite pillows of a jungle volcano.

The volcano rumbles menacingly, startling you. Your fingers tighten, breaking a globe free.

> Take

You quickly shove the single sphere of grape chalcedony in your pocket, then hightail it off the island knowing any volcano with that much silica will have deeply unpleasant eruptions.

You head to a dry lake in Tibet where you #FindARock.

📷 John Bett Fine Minerals
Soothing your fingers over the purloined marble in your pocket, you gaze at the cluster, your thoughts as opaque as the matte white tabs.

> Lick curiously

Your tongue swipes powder from the borax, leaving an obvious wet spot. You smack your lips, trying to place the slightly bitter-soapy flavour. It reminds you almost, but not quite, of laundry detergent.
> Scratch

Borax is softer than your fingernails, scraping easily into a powder.

> Investigate powder

You rub the powder between your fingers, marvelling at its silky texture. You scrape more powder & mix it with spit. The mud is extremely fine, filling wrinkles on your palm.
> Add glue

Cackling manically, you drench a pinch of borax with wood glue & water. It forms a stretchy, translucent slime.

> Play

hehehehehehehehe so slimy!!

> Investigate

You are irresistibly drawn to silky borax powder that transforms to slime when mixed with glue.

> Boil it!

It rapidly dissolves

> Burn it!

It tints flame green

> Drench in hydrochloric acid!

After finagling proportions & temperature, you produce boric acid

You’re certain you’ll never sleep again after finding wild borax, but are otherwise conflicted.

After much internal tussling, you
> Poke warily while running away

You synthesized Sassolite! You flee to a hot spring in Tuscany, Italy where #YouFoundARock

📷 Godwana Minerals
You gaze at the naturally-occurring sassolite with satisfaction. So sassy! Er, lumpy?

> Acquire wine

After a solid 10 hours licking rocks, you kick back in a Tuscan villa overlooking rolling vineyards while sipping wine.

You relax for the first time in too long, your shoulders unknotting. Refreshed, you

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