Obama will always be my favorite President but it’s completely disheartening to hear him endorse Biden after mentioning that this field of candidates was the best he’s seen. Biden only won because everyone else dropped out before Super Tuesday due to Bernies raise.
South Carolina definitely put Biden back but who knows if that was the best move. 7-8 campaigns running until the day before Super Tuesday. Mayor Pete, Amy Klobuchar had more support in other States and Biden really need South Carolina to even continue.
The The assumption was that Biden locked up the nominee at point and it was back to the talking points. To attack Bernie.
-socialism is bad.
-Look at the old mean man. No one likes him or works with him
-look at his troll followers attacking the voting history of a candidate.
But the thing is Biden didn’t earn his win. It was handed to him after 3/4 of the party dropped.

While I hate the stereotype that the South/Red States votes don’t matter (because they vote GOP) it’s good to see which candidate drives people out. WE NEED THAT DATA!
After 2 days of voting it was decided!?!

That isn’t fair or correct.
We need to energize people. This doesn’t. It’s a form of voter suppression. Let the candidate with the most votes move forward.

Why with this thread ? Well lately the conversation has been turned to “What Happened If Biden loses?”
If that question is already in people’s mind then we didn’t pick the strongest candidate.
Putting the blame on Bernie and his followers is irresponsible.

True Bernie Supporters know that we have to go blue. The Head honcho already endorsed Biden.
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