Anyway. What bothers me about that Forbes piece on countries with female leaders responding better to COVID is that despite the positive message & solid points about leadership, technology & empathy, it's still a one-dimensional view of women & their womenly characteristics. 1/6
Arguing how the female leaders can teach us about "love," the article says "It’s like their arms are coming out of their videos to hold you close in a heartfelt and loving embrace." And then asks "How many other simple, humane innovations would more female leadership unleash?" 2/
Seriously? Go ask Aung San Suu Kyi abt 'humane innovations' in ethnic cleansing, or Kirstjen Nielsen abt child separations, or Marsha Blackburn abt gay rights, etc etc. 3/
I know it's hard to believe but there are many examples of awful and cruel women leaders b/c women are human. They can be good or bad, or both, and possess complex personality traits, which vary from one woman to another, even though they're both women! Nuts, I know. 4/
Reducing women to their female empathy to explain their ability to lead effectively is tacky and tired. These countries are doing better b/c they have competent leaders. 5/
In fact, as a woman you cannot rise to a position of power (on your own merit) without being competent. So maybe the one true characteristic that sets women apart is knowing how to get shit done. /6
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