here's how I'd change the Hall of Presidents/Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln thing at Disney parks before they ever reopen:
first off, the idea of idolizing presidents is long over, so I'm rebooting the exhibit because fuck the presidents. Even the best ones were weirdos with an ego problem.

But! We đ€đžđžđ© all the animatronic presidents. They just don't speak their recorded speeches anymore
The pre-show area is cleared out of all historical crap about presidents and gov't. We put in soundproof booths where anyone can walk into and record audio for up to 60sec. The prompt is to tell the most embarrassing story from your life.
The best ones are picked from each day's recordings and make it into a show that only plays one time at say, 6pm. All embarrassing stories from randos, each retold and lip-sync'd by a robot president. Best stories of the month go into an hourly showcase.

Does this reduce hero worship of former presidents while also making a mockery of some of them when funny stories are read back? Sure. Does it remind everyone of our own humanity and not to take ourselves too seriously? Also yes.
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