Before the Battle of Yarmūk, a conversation btwn Khālid b. Walīd (r) & the Roman general, George (JarJah)

George: “Is it true that Allāh sent a sword from heaven to your Prophet and that he gave it to you and that never have you drawn it but your enemies have been defeated?”
Khalid: “No!”

George: “Then why are you known as Sayfullāh, Sword of Allāh?”

(Khālid explains how he received this great epithet from the Prophet ﷺ)

On hearing this and pausing for a moment, the conversation reconvened:

George: “What do you call me to?”
Khalid: “To bear witness that there is no god but Allāh and Muḥammad is His Messenger.”

George: “What if I don't agree?”

Khalid: “Then pay the Jizya, and you shall be under our protection”

George: “If I don't?”

Khalid: “Then the sword!”
George: “What is the position of one who enters your faith today?”

Khalid: “In our faith there is only one position. All are equal.

George: “Then I accept your faith”

George rode back with Khālid to the army of the Muslims where he proclaimed the Shahādah.
With the rapturous cries of “Allāhu Akbar” began the famous Battle of Yarmūk with George, sword in hand, now charging towards those who, only moments earlier, were his co-religionists.

SubhānaAllāh, what an unbelievable fate Allāh had in store for George!
George’s fate transformed from Kufr to Īmān. Dying as a shahīd, and gaining admittance to Jannah - In shā Allāh.
Source: Conversation narrated in Tabari, Vol 2, pg.595 (A great-read)
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