scott pilgrim: you shouldnt idolize scott cause before his development he was a shithead. his arc is about how you shouldnt run from your mistakes and-

cishet dudes who only saw the movie and think sp is about scott getting a gf cause hes an awesome gamer: erasure poetry <3
it pisses me off so much cause the scott pilgrim comics are SO GOOD!!! scotts arc is explicitly about him realizing that he needs to own up to the fact that hes hurt all the girls he was romantically involved with (kim ramona knives envy lisa) by being completely oblivious (1/?)
to their complexities as people. he saw life as a video game and he saw them as prizes and not fully fledged human beings. and he does end up owning up to it! he matures a LOT over the course of the story, which is why him and ramona end up in a healthy relationship! (2/?)
but before he could get that, he had to accept the mistakes he made and understand her as a person and not just as a mysterious manic pixie dream girl. the comic is super explicit about this: scott literally absorbs a personification of all of the bad things hes done and (3/?)
also literally gains The Power Of Understanding as a video game powerup. but then the movie came along and 1. was made before the comic was even finished 2. cut out all the characters development and also a lot of the. characters? and 3. provided shitty indie guys with (4/?)
a justification for their shitty behavior. in the movie, scott doesnt develop, he just kicks some guys asses boss battle style and then gets the Ideal Indie Gf, whos also robbed of her characterization and development in the movie (bc ramona had a lot of growing to do to) (5/6)
and i will forever be bitter about that. stan the sp comics (6/6)
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