This tweet storm highlights the tears and frustrations building across America. These are people who have been devastated by the shutdown. #COVID19 takes lives and the shutdown will take many more unless we act to #GetBackToWork

Do you relate to these?
"I’m in Maryland . All three of my adult children lost their jobs. My grandchildren, each of whom are only children"
"Kentucky. I am able to work from home, but I have several family members (son, son-in-law, sister (owns hair salon, another sister lost her job) and others that are out of work."
"California. Worried about long-term effects on all businesses, American culture"
"Alabama. State Department of Public Health restricted all routine visits and elective procedures for medical professionals. Own a private practice with 14 employees, revenue has dipped 90%. Furloughed all but one employee on March 23rd."
"From Nashville TN. Am a dentist who still see emergency patients. Business is down about 50%. Concerned for the economic welfare of myself and my staff and more importantly for the health of my patients. "
"Massachusetts. My business is destroyed. Many small and medium businesses I work with are on life support."
"I'm from Brazil. I was supposed to have traveled to the US to spend my fiance's birthday with her (she's from TN). On the professional side, I'm a translator and interpreter. I've had almost all my jobs canceled" #GetBackToWork
"Lebanon TN... I'm working from home.. wife worked from home for a couple of weeks, then they called her and permanently laid her off.. so she's out of work now."
"At least every other day, my daughter, who's birthday is next week and can't celebrate it with friends and family, cries because she misses people, misses doing things, etc. "
"Texas. Forced me to close down a bar and pray that we can survive the shutdown and come out the other side with a business still in tact. Have to order beer to reopen, but have no income to do so"
"Near Gainesville, FL. Non-essential businesses closed, whether or not their operation is "safe." Grocery stores limited to 1 person per 1000 square feet, resulting in lines down the length of shopping centers."
"We have thousands of dollars tied up in now-cancelled educational programs and plane tickets. Emotional cost of the realization that a stranger can just up and take away all my major life decisions"
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