I understand foreigners having this “whole America” sense even though that’s completely wrong. But man, even Americans don’t understand regional American influence in politics or society 🥴 https://twitter.com/gweggie90/status/1250111229411995648
The problem is, the west coast and east coast, notably CA and NY are people’s majority view of America. And from state populations and progressive movements, that’s generally true. America is not that cut and dry and a lot of the country is quite different from TV portrayals
Non-Americans (didn’t like the use of foreigners but not gonna delete the tweet so I’ll fix my vernacular here) I get because Americans don’t understand regional politics. It’s obvious living in CA how little exposure Californians have to southern and midwestern populace
The ones they do know are generally the ones that have moved to California and are usually progressive. Let’s be honest, unless you have family there or work, you aren’t going to spend a week of vacation in Arkansas or Mississippi if you’re living in CA.
So that creates a huge disconnect in politics, electability, and how middle and southern America votes. It also creates a frustration stemming from not understanding people’s choices. I often have this frustration. I have family in Texas.
I have been to the majority of the southern states, granted I was only in one state for a few hours or so on a cross country drive to DC but the difference is astounding. I’ve also engaged in dialogue with POCs and progressives and centrists that live in the regions.
It really is eye opening and, while I don’t agree with some of the choices, at least I understand where they are coming from. Now this is not saying I understand the fuckwit in office. I’m saying on the progressive side, I get where they’re coming from to an extent.
CA is PRIVILEGED. idc what you think, we are privileged in ways that we could never understand unless we lived in a southern state and even then if you aren’t part of a marginalized group, you still might not fully get it. So...when you’re a younger American refusing to vote
Or refusing to vote bc Biden is the candidate and you’re in a privileged state, take some time and have a real dialogue or go read about why older black voters voted for Biden. And you may say, young people this or young people that but the fact is, young people do not turn out
In the numbers needed, in red and swing states, to make the difference substantial. And that is for a variety of reasons, which is a different topic, not to be tackled in this thread. So before you decide to be antagonistic regarding Biden, take the time to listen to the people
This vote highly affects, because if you’re in CA, it probably doesn’t affect you nearly as significantly as it does a black person, lgbtq person, asian person, latinx person in the south or Midwest.
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