I try not to film TikToks at work because I understand it feels disrespectful to patient families & patients. I do think some nurses are getting a bad rap while I’ve seen examples where physicians get all positive feedback for similar videos as well as positive press.
Kind of reinforces the day old sentiment that dehumanizes nurses & other healthcare professionals who should never be seen having fun or being anything less than robotic. I know they are trying to let off steam as a team so I understand both sides of the argument.
I understand why people film & post these videos as well. I know my family would love to see me do something like this because they don’t get to see me much anymore especially now. Viral dances have been around forever, people from different professions join in all the time!
So it’s interesting to see the reaction when nurses/CNAs/PCTS join in being mostly negative. If it’s during a break or start or end of the shift I don’t see a problem.
I would never condone HIPAA violations, insensitive content in our out of the workplace setting by healthcare professionals.
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