Digital eye strain is a condition that results from prolonged work or use of digital devices. Symptoms include eye fatigue, intermittent blurriness, headaches, pain in the eyes and around the neck and shoulder region. Others experience eyelid twitching and redness of the eyes.
To relieve your eyes from DES, practice 20-20-20 rule. For every 20 minutes, look are something at 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This gives your eyes some rest away from focusing on screens for too long.
A distance of about 40 cm, about half of your arm’s length, should be between the screen of the digital device and your eyes. This prevents the eyes from excess accommodation that can contribute to early eye fatigue and other symptoms.
Blink more often. Blinking is a reflex but spending more time doing near work reduces the number of blinks. This can lead to dry eyes. Try to consciously blink to keep your eyes moist and prevent dry eyes.
Increase text size if its too small to see from 40cm away. If you are close to 40 yrs it might be due to presbyopia. If you have been prescribed specs, esp for hyperopia or digital work, this is the best time to utilize it.
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