My @PlayVALORANT review

Mainly focusing on the game-play itself after a week of playing.

+Fun game to play, especially with friends who know how to use their agent
+Game looks great and pleasing
+Abilities create a lot of tactical depth
+-Movement is smooth but really slow
-A single round lasting 1:40 feels a bit short for how many abilities there are in the game and the slow movement
-Spectating the game as a viewer is underwhelming so far, might change if pro teams come up with sick tactics (Good luck to any upcoming VALORANT observer btw)
Biggest disappointment for me was the gun-play (Aiming & Killing)

Feels like it was tuned down to be as noob-friendly as possible for players from different games.

I've seen more players get aces in 1 week of playing this than the last 6 months of CS:GO

+The hitreg was good

Fun to play w/ friends, boring to watch, IMO it wont have much direct effect on CSGO if the core mechanism of a FPS (the shooting) is your thing since it takes barely any skill.

Ex CS:GO in-game leaders who have the brain but not the aim, this is it.

Your time has come.
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