BREAKING Professional spin doctor tells journalists they’re doing a terrible job, lists a bunch of softball questions that a sixth former could evade without breaking a sweat.


Off top of my head, here's how your questions would be answered.
1. The evidence isn't there yet, but we're monitoring it. We're led by the science and will review.
2. Yes
3. I'm not going into hypotheticals. All countries are different. We're being led by the science
4. They're in progress. We'll keep you posted.
5. We don't know yet. You don't get the antibody peak until 28 days after infection, so it's hard to say at this point.
6. It's too early to say.
7. The evidence isn't there yet, but we're monitoring it. We're led by the science and will review.
8. Our NHS is doing a fantastic job. Our Doctors and Nurses are heroes and this government will give them all the support they need.

My point is, this isn't our first rodeo.
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