so i fangirled hard tonight. absorbed lots of past and current content and i... i'm having one of those moments where my emotions are so strong and I don't know what to do or how to react.
realized that at the end of the day, we're really just ordinary people and frankly we don't get to be friends with our idols.

and it's quite sad and heartbreaking and tear-jerking to be hit with this reality.
we don't stop being their fans of course! We love them for a reason. I'm just saying, wouldn't it be nice to have real connection with your idols. Human connection and not content on our screens.

Wouldn't it be nice to actually be friends with them. Be in their lives.
Connection not through meet and greets or stuff like that. Connection as in a relationship. Not the romantic type but the kind you have with your real life friends. You know their names and they know yours. You get to hangout, call, etc

(Sorry this thread is sad. I'll stop now.)
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