Right. I'm now onto watching the X-Men cartoon on Disney+
I'm watching Marvel's output in chronological order, as, well... I've got fuck all else to do.
It is good, clean fun and since I love the X-Men more than I love my own mother, all is well in the Mowgz household
But, it should be noted, I'm one of "them"
I like Cyclops.
But, it has got me thinking about his powers.
Not in a "The Thing's penis" way like last week, but just in general
There he is. Looking all buff and cool as fuck
Cyclops has the power of "optic blasts" that come out of his eyes, uncontrollably, unless he is wearing some sort of ruby quartz visor over his eyes.
Again, cool as fuck.
But Cyclops is also a massive arsehole. And again, that is probably the reason I like him so much
Look. I've even got a lovely threesome of 2 of my favourite mutants and a Canadian dickhead in my living room
That is how cool I am
Cyclops is the Lou Reed of the mutants. A fucking arsehole, but you kinda need him around as he pisses off everyone that is around him enough that they start to produce wonderful things, potentially out of spite.
I've got distracted. This was just meant to be a passing comment.
As I said, I'm watching the cartoons and I've seen all the films and I've read loads of the comics and I've lost count of the amount of times that Cyclops has missed whatever he is trying to hit with his optic blasts.
How the BOLLOCKS can you miss something with a beam that comes straight out of your fucking eyes?
Like, is he not looking at the thing he is trying to hit?
Does he have a lazy eye?
You dunno, because you can't check.
But if you are missing something that shoots immediately out of your eyes, that doesn't affect your vision, you CANNOT be looking at your target.
So, is Cyclops a double agent? Is he secretly bringing the X-Men down?
His actions may hint towards that, but again, i think that is just because he is a fucking arsehole, rather than a sleeper agent
So that leaves us with him being incompetent....
Which just makes me like him more
I'm so fucking relevant.
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