Ok, kids. Today’s lame jamband content is all about early Spring 1994 #Phish. And it’s going to take me a few tweets so I apologize for that. Actually, I don’t apologize. What else do you have to do in a global pandemic but read tweets 😜

Back to Sprint 94...


Talk to anyone who was into Phish in the early 90s and early Spring 94 will likely come up as a favorite. As someone who got on the bus in 95, this always baffled me. Those shows are so light on big jams with hardly any deep improv.

In fact, one time in the late 90s when I first met @shapsio, I asked him what his favorite shows are. Kevin was careful not to be too specific, but he named that northeast Spring 94 run among his favorites.

Being the know-it-all, arrogant fan that I was, I’m pretty sure I started arguing with him that he was “wrong.”

Anyway, many years passed and I decided to give this run another shot. And that’s when it finally hit me.

Spring 94 is the last/best tour of the original, mostly Type 1 structured Phish. What do I mean by this?

Early 90s Phish rarely contained extended improv. It was about the songs and improvising within their structure, not out of it.

Then along came August 93—the most transformative month in the band’s history. Suddenly the improv opened up. Just like any change, I’m guessing this had a mixed reception (even 1997 had haters).

So the band takes a break after 8/93 except for the Holiday Run. They come back in Spring 94 an absolute house of fire. But it’s not about sprawling deep improv. It’s about playing every song with fierce energy and lightning fast improv within the structure.

So what’s my point? Not sure. But you should take time to poke around this tour. Start with something like the 4/9 Mike’s Groove and 4/10 Antelope and Hood.

It’s not the jammiest Phish ever. But god damn hearing a band this good is so damn fun. What else do you have to do?
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